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Becoming a sponsor gets you tickets for this fun night out with your credit union community!

The ticket packages and sponsor details can be found below. 

Presenting Sponsor

$75,000 - 1 available

★ Five (5) VIP Tables of 8 attendees each
★ Three (3) bottles of quality dinner wine for each table
★ Premier seating table
★ Event Recognition, including prominent signage and on-stage remarks
★ 20 VIP Reception pre-event invitations
★ Auction purchase delivery
★ Post-event recognition
★ Recognition as a major contributor to your local CMN hospital
★ Prominent recognition in promotional materials
★ Invitation for a check presentation at your local CMN hospital
★ Digital Ad displayed during event program
★ Recognition as C-Suite Summit Reception Sponsor*
★ Welcome C-Suite Summit attendees to Bourbon, BBQ and Bands*
*C-Suite Summit is a large credit union event taking place Oct. 10-11 in Fort Worth.


Top Shelf Sponsor

$50,000 - 1 available

★ Three (3) Tables of 8 each
★ Two (2) bottles of quality dinner wine for each table
★ Premier seating table
★ Prominent Event Recognition
★ 10 VIP Reception pre-event invitations
★ Auction purchase delivery
★ Post-event recognition
★ Bar sponsor


A-List Sponsor

$25,000 - 6 available

★ Two (2) Tables of 8 each
★ Two (2) bottles of quality dinner wine for each table
★ Event Recognition
★ Auction purchase delivery
★ 5 VIP Reception pre-event invitations
★ Post-event recognition


Cadillac Cut Sponsor

$15,000 - 3 available

★ One (1) table of 8
★ Event Recognition
★ Auction purchase delivery
★ 2 VIP Reception pre-event invitations
★ Post-event recognition


Highball Sponsor

$10,000 - 11 available

★ Four (4) Guests
★ Event Recognition
★ Auction purchase delivery
★ Post-event recognition


Grand Reserve Sponsor

(for credit unions only)
$7,500 – 5 available

★ Four (4) Guests
★ Event Recognition
★ Auction purchase delivery
★ BBQ dinner sponsor recognition
★ Post-event recognition


Angel's Share Sponsor

Barreled bourbon that 'goes to the angels' (evaporates) during aging

VIP Reception sponsor = $5,000**  SOLD OUT
Registration sponsor = $5,000  SOLD OUT
Dessert sponsor = $5,000 SOLD OUT
Coffee bar sponsor = $5,000 SOLD OUT
Photo booth sponsor = $5,000 SOLD OUT
Transportation sponsor = $5,000 SOLD OUT
Afterglow Afterparty Sponsor (2 available) = $10,000

★ Angel's Share sponsorships include 2 guests and can be added on to existing sponsorships.
**Includes 2 invitations to the VIP Reception.


Contact Tracy Florida for more information or click the button below to submit your information.


Sponsorship Contact

Contact Tracy Florida for more information or click the button below to submit your information.