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Thank you for joining us for In the Cellar on September 20, 2024 in Chicago. Please follow the steps below to confirm your form of payment for the event. 

Your card will only be charged for items won or commitments made the night of.


Please submit your credit card details securely by following these steps:

  • Scroll to the bottom of this page and check the box to authorize Children's Miracle Network - Credit Unions for Kids to use the credit card entered on the submission page at the event, click Next to enter your credit card information.
  • This will store your card securely and payment will be initiated in a batch payment process at a later date.
  • *Please Note* There is an option to add an additional cash donation on this page, which will be charged immediately. If you do not wish to make an additional donation, please leave this amount $0.00.
  • If you have questions at anytime, please do not hesitate to email Beth Schnabel at bschnabel@cfcu.org.


Thank you for your generous support!

Optional! I would like to make an additional donation.

I authorize Children's Miracle Network - Credit Unions for Kids to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.